
Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Darkoath Chieftain: Base finished

The base for the Chieftain is finished! Now only his eye and the blood effects remain, but those will have to wait until all other heroes are completed. Here's the base:

I decided to use the Shattered Dominion base kit. The bases are great for Silver Tower, since they have all manner of decorations that fit the Tzeentch theme.

With that theme comes my decision for the colour scheme, which is blue/green ground and rocks, along with some golden details. These colours appear quite a lot on the different tiles of the game, so I think they will fit fine.

I also decided to paint the trim of all the heroes golden, and the monsters will have regular grey ones. This will help them stand out even more when playing the game, and gives them that little extra snazzy finish that all heroes crave.

Next up will be the Stormcast Eternal, speaking of snazzy and golden.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Silver Tower: Darkoath Chieftain

Here he is; the first finished model from my Silver Tower project. The Darkoath Chieftain was super fun to paint, and a great start for this boxed game, netting me some much needed practice.

I haven't painted his one working eye (the other has a scar going over it, so it seems like it's been hurt in a fight) and no blood effects. I haven't really decided on either of these yet. Eyes are super difficult, and can screw up a nice paint job if not done right. I will probably do the eyes on all minuatures when I've finished them all, to get some more practice first. Blood is probably coming as well, but that will also be after all miniatures are done, so I can get a nice consistant theme among them all. He is a barbarian after all, so he will need some blood for sure.

I also haven't painted a base for the Chieftain. I need some other paints to get them all "Tzeentchified", which I will go out and get tomorrow. I will paint that up tomorrow and slap the Chieftain on there, and a new update showing all that will go up. Stay tuned!